

Zumpahuacan is a town and municipality in Mexico State. The name “Zumpahuacan” comes from the Nahuatl language “Tzompahuacan”. Tzompahuacan means “place of the strawberry tree” (Erythrina americana or arbol de colorin in Spanish. Another translation of the Nahuatl name can mean “place of the skills of the sacrificed”.
Archeological, anthropological and linguistic studies date human habitation in the area to at least 8000 B.C. with the peoples here having cultural and linguistic links to cultures in what is now the state of Oaxaca and later, with cultures of the high central plains of Mexico. The original village was founded in what is now called Pueblo Viejo (“old village”) or San Juan Viejo in Spanish and Quilocan (“place of edible herbs”)in a flat area surrounded by rocky cliffs and near the Temozolapa River, seven km from the modern village.
It is believed that this settlement was founded by the Mexicas or Chichimecas, who were joined by Matlazincas around 1300 to 1400 AD. The area was conquered and incorporated into the Aztec Empire under the rule of Axayacatl between 1464 and 1467. The modern town was founded in 1550 when the village of Quilocan was moved to this location and renamed “San Juan Viejo” in order to evangelize the population under the rule of Alonso de la Serna. In 1565, the parish church was constructed under the supervision of Pedro Ponce de Leon, who may have been the grandson of Cuatlatlapatzin of Tlaxcala.
The name was changed to Zumpahuacan in 1689, when authorities bowed to public pressure after a large redistribution of lands in the area. The town suffered an epidemic of smallpox in 1841 and cholera in 1850, the latter almost wiping out the entire population of the town. The town belonged to the municipality of Malinalco until 1861, when it became part of Tenancingo. It separated into its own municipality in 1875, with Lucio Manuel Pena as the first municipal president.



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