Ways to Deal with Loneliness As a Solo Traveler

Solo Traveler

Solo Traveler

Often when you travel you can also find active things to do that will get your adrenaline going. Inducing adrenaline is a great way to overcome the lonely bouts. There are many activities you can do such as wind surfing or kite surfing, skydiving, bungee jumping, or parasailing, just to name a few. Getting active and facing your fears will make your sadness a fleeting memory that is completely overshadowed with the great experience you just had. Try following steps for enjoing the travelling as solotraveller-
1. Get OFF the Internet
For a while, I got in the habit of logging into facebook or Skype whenever I got lonely to talk with friends and family or I’d watch my favorite shows from back home. I’ve realized this is a dumb idea because it just makes me miss home that much more. Now I do the complete opposite. I disconnect from my computer and head out to explore a new area or neighborhood. If I’m really feeling down I try to sneak into a new place.
2. Make a List
I try to re-focus on the task at hand. Why am I here? What do I wish to accomplish? Trade loneliness for ambition and make a plan of action. I made my list when I was stuck in my apartment in Medellin for 3 weeks with a fractured ankle.
3. Get Jealous
Before you turn off that computer, get yourself good and pissed off by checking out other inspiring videos or stories. Huh? Let me explain… Like many people, exceptional individuals doing remarkable things inspire me. However, unlike many people, when I hear about these remarkable travelers, athletes and businessman… I get super jealous. Why aren’t you doing that? Why can’t you create something great? That competitive fire quickly eclipses any loneliness and pushes me to create something great. Get pissed off at great people and then try to beat them. I think if you have that attitude you will eventually find yourself among them.
4. Sweat it Out
Exercising solves a lot of my problems. Stress, low-energy, man handles… everything. It also helps a ton when I’m depressed or lonely. I like to pretend I’m Rocky training to fight Ivan Drago all alone up in that cabin in the Soviet Union… Nobody’s watching but I’m getting ready to shock the world!
5. Make someone’s day
Often the best way to get out of the blues is to turn the focus from your current plight to someone else’s. Search online to see if there are any volunteering opportunities where you happen to be. Interact with the locals. Send postcards home – after all, everyone loves snail mail in an era where mailboxes generally consist of only junk mails and bills! Indulge the children who are staring at you by saying hello. Give your cabbie a generous tip. Buy a language dictionary to learn phrases of the language and practice them on restaurant servers and shopkeepers. Reaching out to others will not only make them feel good- you will feel good as well.