Tonga Ride, Agra

The Tonga is a single-horse driven ride. A two-wheeled cart is driven by a horse. In days of yore, Tonga wallahs used to be lined up at the railway station and other public places to take visitors on a tour of the city. The horses of the Tonga are equally colorful and active.A Tonga ride in Agra is sheer fun and frolic all through. Most Agra Tonga rides take visitors to the Taj Mahal, besides other spots. Most of the Tongas are covered and give you the feeling of being a royal guest.


To experience the nightlife in Agra, you can involve any various activities like spending some time of the night at the Taj Mahal or watch the “Light and Sound Show” which takes place in the Agra Fort, go out for a dinner at the Agra restaurants, dance your fit to the groovy music at the nightclubs and bars in Agra and many more.