Snow Lake


Snow Lake is a town in Manitoba, Canada located 685 km north of Winnipeg at the end of Provincial Road 392. The main industry is and always has been mining; currently with one mine producing Zinc. In late 2009 it was discovered that the Snow Lake area could have one of the largest gold rich VMS deposits in Canada.
Mining is and always has been Snow Lake’s major industry. Two separate mining ventures have operated in the community over the past 40 years. TVX/Kinross/High River operated the New Britannia Mine, which closed in January 2005 and HudBay Minerals, which operated 11 area mines. They were/are Chisel Lake, Stall Lake, Osborne Lake, Dickstone, Anderson Lake, Ghost Lake, Lost Lake, Spruce Point, Rod Mine, Photo Lake, and Chisel North.
In recent years, the New Britannia Mine employed the majority of the town’s population; however, its January 2005 closure caused a sudden drop in population. HudBay Minerals is now the community’s major employer and have recently announced the discovery of a new World class gold-zinc property, Lalor Lake. (pronounced LAW – ler).
Nature lovers will delight in the numerous species of birds, animals and vegetation found along the regions many area’s hiking trails. Picking strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, or gooseberries are also a favourite summer past time. History enthusiasts can explore ancient Aboriginal pictographs that are approximately 1500 years old.



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