Shopping in Srinagar For The Fashion Conscious.



Antique silver jewellery

If you enjoy rummaging through large quantities of trinkets in silver, you’ll love Srinagar. From ornamental jewellery to larger decoration pieces, you’ll get silverware with intricate carvings like nowhere else. The real fun begins when you dig deep into the seemingly bottomless boxes and discover something of real antique value. Some of them might look slightly jaded, but make up for it with their rare and stunning designs.

Pashmina Shawls

Over the years, Kashmir’s famous Pashmina shawls have become rarer to find and more expensive to buy. Made from the soft wool of the Himalayan goat, the best test of a Pashmina is by trying to pass it through a ring. Prices range from 15000 rupees onwards to the truly astronomical, but it’s an investment only apppreciates in value.

Papier mache products

Easier on the pocket and more practical for tourists with luggage constraints, are the many papier-mache products sold all over the city. From figurines and vases to tables painted in colourful paint and traditional patterns these make for nice souvenirs and could add a lovely touch of the valley to your drawing room back home.