India / Maharashtra /Ahmednagar /Shani Shingnapur
Shani Shignapur is a village located in Ahmednagar District of Maharashtra. It is about 35 km from Ahmednagar. Edit
Detail InformationEdit
Shani Shingnapur Located in Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra, the hamlet of Shani Shingnapur is famous for the temple dedicated to Hindu God Saturn. A quaint custom of not locking doors of their houses followed by the locals; has also made it a popular tourist destination. The villagers believe that the temple is a ‘Jagrit Devasthan’ which means the temple is alive and God safeguards the temple and the nearby region. It is believed that God punishes anybody who attempts to steal. So potent is the fear of God Saturn that despite the absence of doors, there are no reports of thefts in the village. There are no idols in the shrine. A black rock, 5.5 ft high, stands on an open platform symbolizing the God. Shrines to Lord Shiva and Hanuman are also present. Due to the nearly crime free record in the region the country’s first ‘lockless’ bank branch opened here in 2011. The bank doors remain open at all times. The temple is visited on a daily basis by almost 50,000 visitors but this number increases by six times to over three lakh people on ‘Amavasya’ (new moon day), which is believed to be the most auspicious day to please Lord Shani. The temple authorities organize a fair to honour the God, which is a big affair if the full moon day falls on a Saturday. Saturday is the day dedicated to the Saturn God. An image of the deity is placed in a palanquin and a procession taken out with great pomp and show.
Must SeeEdit
Must see
Visiting TimeEdit
24 hours open;All days of the week 12:00 AM – 12:00 AM.
Closed OnEdit
Best Season to VisitEdit
June to March.
Best Time To VisitEdit
Morning, Afternoon, Evening.
Time Required for SightseeingEdit
1 – 2 hours.
Ticket Required : No Edit
Individual National Adult Rs. : N.A.
Kids Rs. : N.A.
Individual Foreigner Adult Rs. : N.A.
Kids Rs. : N.A.
Still Photo Camera Rs. : N.A.
Video Camera Rs. : N.A.
Guide Required : No Edit
Approximate cost: N.A.
Dress Code (If Any) : No Edit
Dress Require: N.A.
Restaurants NearbyAdd / Edit
How to ReachEdit
Taxi : Shani Shingnapur is located in the western central part of Maharashtra, roughly around east of Pune. It’s 160km away from Pune & Aurangabad, 250km away from Mumbai and 185km away from Nasik. Private taxies are also available here.
BUS : Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (MSRTC) and several other bus operators provide intercity bus services from the city of Ahmednagar to various other locations. Aurangabad (114 Km), Pune (123Km), Nashik (156 Km), Beed (127 Km) and Shani Shingnapur (35 Km) are connected by the 4 lane road leading from Ahmednagar. This mode is regarded as the answer of how to reach Ahmednagar. Buses from Ahmednagar to Aurangabad, Nashik, Solan and other nearby cities are easily available.
Train : One can travel from any corner of India to Shanishingnapur. For this, the suggested railway stations are Ahmednagar, Rahuri, Shrirampur and Belapur. From these railway destinations, there are S.T. buses, Jeeps, Taxis etc. facilities to Shanishingnapur.
Air : Aurangabad is the nearest airport which is situated at a distance of about 90 km. This airport connects the city of Ahmednagar to several other cities of the country. Private taxis and buses are available from Aurangabad to Ahmednagar. Flights to Aurangabad can be taken in order to reach Ahmednagar.
Others : N.A.
Things to CarryEdit
- Camera, Plenty of water.
Safety / WarningEdit
- Control Room, Ahmednagar – 2416132/2416138/2416100.
- Police : 100.
- Fire Brigade : 101.
- Ambulance : 102.
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