

The city of Semarang, capital of the province of Central Java, sits precisely in the center of the northern seaboard of the fertile and densely populated island of Java.
In the 15th century the Chinese emperor’s emissary Zheng He , otherwise known here as Admiral Cheng Ho, set foot here on Java , its auspicious occasion commemorated in the temple of Gedung Batu. From the 17th century onwards, Semarang became a busy entrepot for spices and from the 20th century on a busy harbor for trade and passengers when travel was made predominantly by sea. This strategic position of Semarang has made the city a melting pot of Chinese, Indian Arab, and European cultures. Today the city of Semarang is home to around 1.5 million residents.
Java’s northern seaboard, known as pesisir, has always been a busy route. The Grand Postal highway – or de Grote Postweg – built by Dutch Governor General Daendels in the 19th century, until today continues to be a very important road connecting the west with the eastern part of Java. Trains between Jakarta and Surabaya also make Semarang their major central stop.
West of Semarang are the batik centers of Pekalongan and Cirebon (now in West Java) while to its east are the towns of Demak, Kudus, Jepara and Rembang, cradle in the growth and spread of Islam on Java. While to its south, in its hinterland, lie the temple regions of Borobudur, Prambanan and the Dieng Plateau, as well as the royal cities of Yogyakarta and Solo. This scencry south of Semarang is beautifully green and fertile, highlighted by many volcanoes and lush paddy fields. Many international cruise liners today make Semarang their port of call to allow passengers to visit these important ancient World heritage sites.



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