

The village of Segorbe is immersed in a fertile plain, washed by the Palancia river. Its medieval layout conceals several architectural gems, like the cathedral, and the vestiges of the ancient wall.
The remains of the medieval castle, located on the neighbouring hill of La Estrella, recall the regal origins of Segorbe.
The square of Agua Limpia (clean water), so-named because of the plentiful springs found in the area, is the nerve centre of the town. There we have the City Hall, built in the 16th century, which was the former palace of the Duke of Medinaceli.
The cathedral of Santa María was built in a Gothic style of architecture, and later remodelled following Neoclassical canons. Its interior has seven chapels and a beautiful cloister, and guards a precious codex down in the archives, as well as a collection of paintings in the chapter house.
Several churches stand out in the medieval layout of the city: the churches of San Pedro, San Martín, San Joaquín and Santa Ana.
From its defensive past, the village still preserves the circular tower of Botxí and the prison’s tower, which used to be a part of the ancient wall along with The Arch of Verónica. To end our journey around the city, we can visit the Cathedral Museum, the Archaeological Museum and the Ethnology Museum.
The local holiday celebrations in Segorbe, declared to be of Tourist Interest, are held towards the end of August, and include a busy programme, filled with cultural, religious, and entertainment activities.



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