Ujung Kulon National Park

Detail InformationEdit Ujung Kulon National Park (means : Western Tip) is located at the westernmost tip of Java, within Banten province of Indonesia. It includes the volcanic island group of Krakatoa and other islands including Panaitan, as well as smaller offshore islets such as Handeuleum and Peucang on the Sunda Strait. The park encompasses an […]


Detail InformationEdit Cuicuilco is an important archaeological Mesoamerican Middle and Late Formative (c. 700 BCE – 150 CE) period site located on the southern shore of the Lake Texcoco in the southeastern Valley of Mexico. Today, it is a significant archaeological site that was occupied during the Early Formative until its destruction in the Late […]

Chilapa de Álvarez

Chilapa de Álvarez, informally known as Chilapa, is a municipality in the Mexican state of Guerrero, approximately 54 kilometers east of state capital Chilpancingo. It is a very old town, its first official charter was issued by the Aztec government in the 15th century, after the area’s conquest by Moctezuma I in 1458. The Spanish […]


Detail InformationEdit Yagul is an archaeological site and former city-state associated with the Zapotec civilization of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, located in the Mexican state of Oaxaca. The site was declared one of the country’s four Natural Monuments on 13 October 1998. The site is also known locally as Pueblo Viejo (Old Village) and was occupied at […]

San Lorenzo Acopilco

Acopilco (Cuajimalpa DF) or San Lorenzo is a village Acopilco DF located in Cuajimalpa Delegation is the population of the City located at higher altitudes to 3050 meters, considered one of the original peoples of the DF and is among the few who still have equipped rural community character of land and agrarian subjects 2345. […]


Detail InformationEdit Edzná is a Maya archaeological site in the north of the Mexican state of Campeche. The site is open to visitors. The most remarkable building at the plaza is the main temple. Built on a platform 40 meters high, it provides a wide overview of the surroundings. Another significant building located in the […]

Loltun Cave

Detail InformationEdit Loltun Cave is a cave in the Yucatán, approximately 5 km (3.1 mi) south of Oxkutzcab. The cave contains paintings attributed to the Maya civilization from the Late Preclassic Era or even older. The name is Mayan for “Flower Stone” (“Lol-Tun”). It is located 110 kilometers southwest of Merida, at a distance of […]


Detail InformationEdit Xochitecatl is a pre-Columbian archaeological site located in the Mexican State of Tlaxcala, 18 km southwest of Tlaxcala city. The major architecture dates to the Middle Preclassic Period (1000–400 BC) but occupation continued, with one major interruption, until the Late Classic, when the site was abandoned, although there is evidence of ritual activity […]

Jaina Island

Detail InformationEdit Jaina Island is a pre-Columbian Maya archaeological site in the present-day Mexican state of Campeche. A small limestone island on the Yucatán Peninsula’s Gulf coast with only a tidal inlet separating it from the mainland, Jaina served as an elite Maya burial site, and is notable for the high number of fine ceramic […]

Chac II

Detail InformationEdit Chac II is a small site located about 2 kilometres (1.2 mi) from the Great Palace, in the northwestern corner of the Sayil Valley. In the Terminal Classic, Chac II was a part of the greater Sayil urban area, however, Chac II predates the Terminal Classic occupation of Sayil with various dating methods […]