
Hammam-Lif is a coastal town about 20 km south-east of Tunis, the capital of Tunisia. It has been known since antiquity for its thermal springs originating in Mount Bou Kornine. Naro, which means fire, was Hammam-Lif’s Punic name. In 1883, the French captain Ernest De Prudhomme discovered in his Hammam-lif residence the first archeological ruins […]


Detail InformationEdit Acaray, also known as the Fortress of Acaray, is an archaeological site located in the Huaura River Valley on the near north coast of Peru (or the Norte Chico). The impressive fortress is located on a series of three hilltops, each ringed with a number of perimeter defensive walls that have parapets and […]

Huaca del Sol

Detail InformationEdit The Huaca del Sol is an adobe brick temple built by the Moche civilization on the coast of what is now Peru. The temple is one of several ruins found near the peak of Cerro Blanco, in the coastal desert near Trujillo, Peru. The other major ruin at the site is the nearby […]

National Museum Of Archaeology

Detail InformationEdit The Museo Nacional de Arqueología Antropología e Historia del Perú (English: National Museum of the Archaeology, Anthropology, and History of Peru) is the largest and oldest museum in Peru, located on Plaza Bolívar in the Pueblo Libre district of Lima. The museum houses more than 100,000 artifacts spanning the entire history of human […]


Štanjel (Italian: San Daniele del Carso) is a village in the Municipality of Komen in the Littoral region of Slovenia. It is located on the Karst plateau overlooking the Vipava Valley. In the 17th century it was fortificated to defend it against Ottoman raids. It was heavily damaged during World War II and it has […]


Detail InformationEdit Túcume is a pre-Hispanic site in Peru, south of the La Leche River on a plain around La Raya Mountain. It covers an area of over 540 acres (220 ha) and encompassing 26 major pyramids and mounds. The area is referred to as Purgatorio (purgatory) by local people. This site was a major […]


Detail InformationEdit Jiskairumoko is a pre-Columbian archaeological site 54 kilometers (34 mi) south-east of Puno, Peru. The site lies in the mountains at elevation 4,115 meters (13,500 feet), in the Aymara community of Jachacachi, adjacent to the Ilave River drainage, of the Lake Titicaca Basin, Peru. Occupation of Jiskairumoko spans from the Late Archaic to […]

Plaza Francia

Detail InformationEdit Plaza Francia is a modern version small square gift left by the French colony in Lima. The bronze monument located at this square recalls Father Binthillac who was the founder of the Papal Catholic University of Peru, and commemorates the French Admiral Bergasse du Petit Thouars for his participation in defence of Lima […]


Detail InformationEdit Sacsayhuamán is a walled complex on the northern outskirts of the city of Cusco, Peru, the former capital of the Inca Empire. The complex is as many other Inca constructions made of large polished dry-stone walls, each boulder carefully cut to fit together tightly without mortar. The site, at an altitude of 3,701 […]

Chavin de Huantar

Detail InformationEdit Chavín de Huántar is an archaeological site containing ruins and artifacts constructed beginning at least by 1200 BCE and occupied by later cultures until around 400-500 BCE by the Chavín, a major pre-Inca culture. The site is located 250 kilometers (160 mi) north of Lima, Peru, at an elevation of 3,180 meters (10,430 […]