
India /Tamil Nadu /Nagapattinam /Tranquebar The town of Tranquebar is located in the state of Tamil Nadu, and this place should feature in your itinerary plainly for its peaceful surroundings and unexplored beauty. The town of Tranquebar is also located quite near to Chennai, and it is thus well accessible. Tranquebar is an excellent place […]


India /Tamil Nadu /Nagapattinam /Nagapattinam Nagapattinam is a major tourist and pilgrimage location in the state of Tamil Nadu. Nagapattinam, the name derived from Nagur – the land of serpent gods, is credited with praise worthy cultural and historical significance. Nagapattinam once was a thriving and most prominent constituent of Cholamandalam. The glory of the […]


India /Tamil Nadu /Kanchepuram / Covelong Covelong is a small village located near the city of Chennai, in the state of Tamil Nadu. If you are looking for a perfect weekend getaway, then you need not look any further than Covelong as the beaches here are very serene and beautiful. One major advantage that Covelong […]