Rupa Lake

Nepal /Kaski /Pokhara Rupa Lake are located about 15km from Pokhara at the end of a road that turns north from the highway to Kathmandu. Edit Detail InformationEdit Rupa Lake is that the third biggest lake in Pokhara valley of Nepal and at an altitude of 600 m (1,969 ft) covering space concerning 1.35 km2 […]

Begnas Lake

Nepal /Kaski /Pokhara Begnas Lake is located in the south-east of the Pokhara Valley, Nepal. Edit Detail InformationEdit Begnas Lake is a fresh lake in Lekhnath municipality of Kaski district of Nepal. Begnas Lake is that the second largest, once Phewa lake, among the eight lakes in Pokhara valley. Water level within the lake fluctuates […]

Phewa (Fewa) Lake

Nepal /Kaski /Pokhara Phewa (Fewa) Lake is located in the south of the Pokhara Valley that includes Pokhara city, parts of Sarangkot and Kaskikot. Edit Detail InformationEdit Phewa (Fewa) Lake is a fresh lake in Nepal Pokhara valley that features Pokhara city; elements of Sarangkot and Kaskikot. The lake is stream-fed however a dam regulates […]

Dakshinkali Temple

Nepal /Kathmandu /Thamel Dakshinkali Temple, 20 km from Kathmandu, Nepal. Edit Detail InformationEdit Dakshinkali Temple is dedicated to the ferocious Goddess Kali, to whom animals are sacrificed twice a week. Many people offer animal sacrifice after their wish fulfilment. There is a great rush on Saturdays and on Tuesdays. The journey to Dakshin Kali takes […]

Patan Museum

Nepal / Lalitpur /Patan Patan Museum is situated at the center of the city Patan. Edit Detail InformationEdit Patan Museum, also known as ‘Jadu Ghar’ in Hindi, is one of well preserved museum in the country which connect the glorious past with the modern age. The Patan Museum is a must or anyone interested in […]


Nepal / Lalitpur /Patan Patan, the oldest of all the three cities of Kathmandu valley. It is the best known for its artistic heritage. It is probably one of the oldest Buddhist City in the world. The city is situated on a plateau across Bagmati River. Another name of Patan, is Lalitpur. The city is […]

Patan Durbar Square

Nepal / Lalitpur /Patan Patan Durbar Square is situated at the centre of Lalitpur city and about 5 km south of Kathmandu in the Kathmandu Valley. Edit Detail InformationEdit Patan Durbar square is the famous visiting place. The square is full of ancient places, temples, and shrines noted for their exquisite carvings. Patan, the oldest […]

Hiranya Varna Mahavihar

Nepal / Lalitpur /Patan Hiranya Varna Mahavihar is situated at Patan Durbar Square. Edit Detail InformationEdit Hiranya Varna Mahavihar was built in the 21st century by King Bhaskar Verma , it is located in the courtyard of Kwabahal. Inside the upper storey of this pagoda, placed on the pedestal, are the white image of Amoshpash […]


Nepal /Kathmandu /Kathmandu Kathmandu, a metropolitan city in Nepal is the largest city in the country. In the 60’s it was a paradise for the hippies, but today there is a considerable change. You will find the city develop into the modern era of concrete and traffic pollution. You can still enjoy a walk in […]