Pullahari Monastery

Nepal /Kathmandu /Pullahari Pullahari Monastery, Kathmandu, Nepal. Edit Detail InformationEdit Pullahari is the main seat of His Eminence the fourth Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, Lodro Chokyi Nyima. In 1986, the Venerable Dabzang Rinpoche offered land for a monastery to the third Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche and requested that he establish a three-year retreat centre for monks of […]

Kathmandu Sightseeing

Kathmandu is a famous tourist sightseeing for all the visitors from all around the World. List of all Kathmandu sightseeing are as follows – Bodnath Stupa Details Pashupatinath Temple Details Durbar Square Details Kopan Monastery Details Changu Narayan Details Kashthamandap Details Sankhu Village Details Degu Taleju Temple Details Phulchoki Details Jaganath Temple Details Akash Bhairav […]