
India /Uttarakhand /Nainital /Pangoot Pangoot, Uttarakhand 263002. Edit Detail InformationEdit Pangot, a small village. The drive takes you through an adventure-packed route through the forested paths of Naina or China peak, Snow View point and Kilbury. Known to be the main habitats for birds, a variety of Himalayan species such as griffon, blue-winged minla, rufous-bellied […]

Nainital Sightseeing

Nainital is a famous tourist sightseeing for all the visitors from all around the World. List of all Nainital sightseeing are as follows – Naina Peak, Nainital Details Naini Lake, Nainital Details Snow View, Nainital Details Aurobindo Ashram Details Bara Bazaar Details Bhimtal Lake Details Bikhauti Festival Details Binsar Details Boat House Club Details Aerial Ropeway Details Deopatta […]