Yogadhyan Badri

India /Uttarakhand /Chamoli /Pandukeshwar Sight Address : Yogadhyan Badri, is situated at a distance of 13 km from Badrinath. Edit Detail InformationEdit Yogadhyan Badri, also known as the Yoga Badri Temple, is an ancient temple of Lord Vishnu. It is situated at a distance of about 13 km from Badrinath and is located at Pandukeshwar near […]

Hanuman Chatti

India /Uttaranchal /Chamoli /Hanuman Chatti The town of Hanuman Chatti is located in the Yamunotri region, and is a very popular tourist destination due to its proximity to Yamunotri. The town is located in the Indian state of Uttarakhand. Many tourists and pilgrims flock to the town of Hanuman Chatti during the peak tourist season, […]