
India /Uttarakhand /Nainital /Khupratal Khurpatal, Situated 12 kms away from Nainital.Edit Detail InformationEdit Khupratal at an altitude of 5500 ft (1635 MT) there lies just another beautiful spot at  Nainital popularly known as Khurpatal. It is considered to be anglers paradise having clear water and a good harvest of fishes. Khurpatal is a small hamlet frequented […]

Nainital Sightseeing

Nainital is a famous tourist sightseeing for all the visitors from all around the World. List of all Nainital sightseeing are as follows – Naina Peak, Nainital Details Naini Lake, Nainital Details Snow View, Nainital Details Aurobindo Ashram Details Bara Bazaar Details Bhimtal Lake Details Bikhauti Festival Details Binsar Details Boat House Club Details Aerial Ropeway Details Deopatta […]