
India /West Bengal /Hooghly /Tarakeshwar Tarakeshwar, one of the most acclaimed religious destinations in West Bengal of India, is perfectly situated in a picturesque town in the district of Hooghly. This temple town hosts millions of pilgrims from all through India and also from foreign countries. The famous Tarakeshwar Temple is devoted to Lord Shiva […]


India /West Bengal /Hooghly /Hooghly Hooghly is a district that is located in the state of West Bengal and it has been named after the Hooghly River. The district consists of places such as Serampur, Arambag, Chinsura Sadar and Chandranagar. The region has many places of tourist interest and scores of people travel to the […]


India /West Bengal /Hooghly / Hooghly Hooghly is a district that is located in the state of West Bengal and it has been named after the Hooghly River. The district consists of places such as Serampur, Arambag, Chinsura Sadar and Chandranagar. The region has many places of tourist interest and scores of people travel to […]


India /West Bengal /Hooghly / Kamarpukur Kamarpukur is a scenic village and has a special place as a natural attraction apart from the importance as a religious destination. The natural beauty and the calmness of this place attract thousands of seclusion seeking tourists to this place. There are many serene ponds suitable for undertaking water […]