Mohar Magri

India / Rajasthan /Chittorgarh /Chittorgarh Mohar Magri, Chittorgarh Fort Village, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan. Edit Detail InformationEdit A small structure which was raised during the invasion of Chittorgarh by Akbar in 1567, it gets the name Mohar Magri because it is believed that Emperor Akbar paid one mohar (gold coin) for each basketful of earth placed on the […]

Vikramshila Gangetic Dolphin Sanctuary

India /Bihar /Bhagalpur /Bhagalpur Vikramshila Gangetic Dolphin Sanctuary, Bhagalpur, India. Edit Detail InformationEdit Vikramshila Gangetic Dolphin Sanctuary’s major attraction is the Gangetic Dolphins called Soons. The soons have been declared as endangered. The Sanctuary provides safe abodes to a rich diversity of other threatened aquatic wildlife such as freshwater turtles and 135 other species. The […]


The VII Maule Region is one of Chile’s 15 first order administrative divisions. Its capital is Talca. The region takes its name from the Maule River which, running westward from the Andes, bisects the region and spans a basin of about 20,600 km2. The Maule river is of considerable historic interest because, among other reasons, […]

Los Flamencos National Reserve

Detail InformationEdit Los Flamencos National Reserve is a nature reserve located in the commune of San Pedro de Atacama, Antofagasta Region of Chile. The reserve covers a total area of 740 square kilometres (180,000 acres) in the Central Andean dry puna ecoregion and consists of seven separate sectors. In 1996, Salar de Tara was designated […]

Rinihue Lake

Detail InformationEdit The Riñihue Lake is a lake of glacial origin in eastern Valdivia Province, southern Chile. It is surrounded by several mountains. The eastern side receives the waters of the Panguipulli Lake, by the Enco River its main contributor. It is the last of the Seven Lakes chain. In the west is it cut […]

Santa Clara Island

Detail InformationEdit Santa Clara is an uninhabited tiny island in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Robinson Crusoe Island in a group of islands known as the Juan Fernández Islands. The island is of volcanic origin and is approximately 1 kilometre long and 600 metres wide. The island group is politically part of the […]

Mburucuyá National Park

Detail InformationEdit Mburucuyá National Park is a National park in Argentina. It is located in the north west of the Corrientes Province around 150 km from the city of Corrientes and covers an area of 176 square kilometres of the Iberá Wetlands. The zone is divided between three distinct natural regions chaqueña, espinal and selva […]

El Tatio

Detail InformationEdit El Tatio is a geyser field located within the Andes Mountains of northern Chile at 4,200 meters above mean sea level. Contrary to some reports, it is not the highest-elevation geyser field in the World. Puchuldiza Geyser Field, Chile, and possibly several other fields are higher in elevation. Tourists often visit the geysers […]


Detail InformationEdit Sangay (also known as Macas, Sanagay, or Sangai) is an active stratovolcano in central Ecuador. It is the most active volcano in Ecuador, having erupted three times in recorded history. It exhibits mostly strombolian activity; the most recent eruption, which started in 1934, is still ongoing. Geologically, Sangay marks the southern bound of […]

Jardim Botânico

Detail InformationEdit The Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden or Jardim Botânico is located at the Jardim Botânico district in the “Zona Sul” (South Zone) of Rio de Janeiro. The Botanical Garden shows the diversity of Brazilian and foreign flora. There are around 6,500 species (some endangered) distributed throughout an area of 54 hectares, and there […]