

Saudarkrokur lies on the south west shore of the inner reaches of Skagafjordur fiord. Here you will find a variety of services on offer; exhibitions, museums, places of entertainment, shops, restaurants, accommodation, a hospital, workshops and garages, a sports ground, a beach volleyball pitch, a swimming pool etc.
On Adalgata, you will find a store bearing the name Haraldur Juliusson, which has been in constant operation since 1919. Also the Minjahusid Folk Museum, where four small workshops demonstrate the types of occupation pursued by the inhabitants of Saudarkrokur in days gone by – and they even have a polar bear on display! Minjahusid also houses the Tourist Information Bureau.
On top of Nafir, the ancient sea cliffs which rise above the town, there is a golf course and also a viewfinder which gives you a wonderful view across the fjord.
Saudarkrokur combines a thriving fisheries operation with the processing of produce from the extensive agricultural area surrounding it and a very effective service system. The town is one of the busiest most important communities outside the capital, and it would be hard to find better services anywhere outside the Reykjavík area.
To the east of Saudarkrokur stretches Borgarsandur, a long sweep of black sandy beach almost four km in length, and just to the south, on the shores of Ashildarholtsvatn Lake, information boards give details on the rich variety of birds frequenting the area.



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