San Felipe, USA


San Felipe may be a Mexican town and municipality set within the northwest region of the state of Guanajuato. The municipality has a part of two,969.79 sq. Kilometers (9.50% of the state’s surface), creating it the largest municipality in terms of size. It’s seagirt to the north by the municipality of Ocampo, to the south by the municipalities of León and Guanajuato, to the southeast by the municipality of Dolores Hidalgo and to the east by the municipality of city Diamond State la Unión. It borders to the north with the state of San Luis Potosí and to the west with the state of Jalisco. The municipality had 106,952 inhabitants as of 2010.
San Felipe was based by Francisco Diamond State Velasco on Jan twenty one, 1562, by orders of viceroy Luis Diamond State Velasco. Town was based with the name of San Felipe in honor of King Phillip II of European nation. In 1889 the name of town was modified to “Ciudad González” in honor of the then governor of Guanajuato, Manuel González. The name of town was once more modified in 1938, now to “Ciudad Hernández Álvarez”, once governor Enrique Herández Álvarez. In 1948 the city’s name was reverted back to the first name of “San Felipe”. No matter the many official names town was given through time, it had been forever conversationally called “San Felipe Torres Mochas” (lit. “San Felipe stub-towers”), a nickname that persists to the present day.



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