In Recent Thailand Popular in News Due to the Video of Medition Pose of Monk


Thailand is called the land of Buddhist Bhikshuo, during which attention has mystical powers Prdshn now a monk in the province of Nong Bua Lamfu video has surfaced, which is sitting by the oil in the frying pan to the contemplative mood The fire is burning down, which does not affect them.During the currency of attention to the monk is deemed to touch his stick in oil that becomes more impressive thing is to do it, he has a mystical power of social media users are not unanimous on this Prdshn someone mind power she felt when she felt someone with the strength of this Faloars, then someone said it is cheating with Faloars Bakak Science instructor at Chulalongkorn University, said the oil really is boiling pan Jesada under fire, of course, but he This oil has not reached the pretense and deceit, they believe no chemicals May be eligible to oil, which is to reach out, not in the heat of the many ways we can show that the miracle.Jesada Say In May 2012 they were all shocked boiling oil was shown by touching the oil into a bowl of water, he was put back, put oil in the heat of the fire to get water and oil’s cold.

Climate : Thailand’s climate is tropical with a mean annual temperature of 82°F and high humidity. There are three distinct seasons – the hot season from March to May, the cool season from November to February and the rainy season from about June to October.

Stay safe : Thailand is a safe nation in which to travel. Physical attacks and other crimes against “the person” are far less likely than in many other “developed” nations. Just as you need to be aware of your surroundings and personal safety when out and about in your home country, you need to keep your wits about you in Thailand as well.