Porto Alegre


“Porto Alegre is the capital and largest city in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul.The city is the southernmost capital city of a Brazilian state.Porto Alegre is one of the top cultural, political and economic centers of Brazil. Two Mercosul countries, Argentina and Uruguay, border on the State of Rio Grande do Sul.The city lies on the eastern bank of the Rio Guaiba (Guaiba Lake), where five rivers converge to form the Lagoa dos Patos (Lagoon of the Ducks), a giant freshwater lagoon navigable by even the largest of ships.
Porto Alegre is well known in Brazil for its diverse nightlife. The city’s clubs, pubs, bars and restaurants provide entertainment for a wide range of tastes and budgets, going from the cheap, traditional beer-‘n-bite in a corner bar to all-night raves, and classy nightclubs. The nightlife here is similar to that of New York City, but on a micro-scale. In the “”SoHo”” area of Porto Alegre, there is a block full of great bars, restaurants and clubs.The city is home to some famous museums like Rio Grande do Sul Museum of Art,Júlio de Castilhos Museum and Joaquim José Felizardo Museum. The city has a large number of museums, and the UFRGS as a center for the study of paleontology and there one can see fossils from the Triassic such as Rhynchosaur, thecodont, exaeretodon, Staurikosaurus, Guaibasaurus, Saturnalia tupiniquim, Sacisaurus, Unaysaurus and many others .”



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