Porta Borsari

Detail InformationEdit Porta Borsari is an ancient Roman gate in Verona, northern Italy. It dates to the 1st century AD, though it was most likely built over a pre-existing gate from the 1st century BC. An inscription dating from emperor Gallienus’ reign reports another reconstruction in 265 AD. The Via Postumia (which here became the […]

Altamura Cathedral

Detail InformationEdit Altamura Cathedral (Italian: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta di Altamura), dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is a Roman Catholic cathedral in the city of Altamura, in the province of Bari, Apulia, in southern Italy. Since 1986 it has been the seat of the Bishop of Altamura-Gravina-Acquaviva delle Fonti, formed […]

San Biagio Montepulciano

Detail InformationEdit San Biagio is a church outside Montepulciano, Tuscany, central Italy. The church, an example of Renaissance Greek cross central plan, was designed by Antonio da Sangallo the Elder, who was inspired by the Basilica of Santa Maria delle Carceri in Prato, which had been designed years before by his brother Giuliano da Sangallo. […]

Temple of Castor and Pollux

Detail InformationEdit North to the Tempio L in the Valley of Temples at Agrigento are the corner of “Temple of Castor and Pollux”, which is in a fact a modern reconstruction from the early 19th century, created using pieces from various other temples. It includes four columns and an entablature mounted over the foundings of […]

Basilica di Santa Croce (Lecce)

Detail InformationEdit Basilica di Santa Croce (Italian, Church of the Holy Cross) is a Baroque church in Lecce, Apulia, Italy, completed in 1695. Walter VI of Brienne had founded in the current church’s location a monastery in the 14th century. In 1549 a new church was begun, using, among the others, houses from Jews who […]

Sasmita Loka Ahmad Yani Museum

Detail InformationEdit The Sasmita Loka Ahmad Yani Museum houses a collection from Ahmad Yani and some dioramas about the G-30-S/PKI, 30 September 1965. The museum is located in jalan Lembang 58 or jalan Laturharhari 65, Central Jakarta, Indonesia. The museum is open free to public from Tuesday until Sunday, from 08:00 WIB until 14:00 WIB. […]

Sasmita Loka Museum

Detail InformationEdit The Sasmita Loka Ahmad Yani Museum houses a collection from Ahmad Yani and some dioramas about the G-30-S/PKI, 30 September, 1965. The museum is located in jalan Lembang 58 or jalan Laturharhari 65, Central Jakarta, Indonesia. The museum is open free to public from Tuesday until Sunday, from 08:00 WIB until 14:00 WIB. […]

Government Palace of Chihuahua

Detail InformationEdit The Government Palace of Chihuahua (Palacio de Gobierno de Chihuahua) is a 19th century building in the city of Chihuahua, Mexico. Located in the heart of the city, it is of special interest since it houses the executive offices of the governor of the state of Chihuahua and, until 2004, the state legislature […]

Hellenic Parliament

Detail InformationEdit The Hellenic Parliament, also the Parliament of the Hellenes, is the Parliament of Greece, located in the Parliament House (Old Royal Palace), overlooking Syntagma Square in Athens, Greece. It is a unicameral legislature of 300 members, elected for a four-year term. During 1844-1863 and 1927-1935 the parliament was bicameral with an upper house, […]

San Isidro Chapel in San Andres Church

Detail InformationEdit The chapel is the only thing that remains of the church of San AndrĂ©s burnt in 1936. Built in the 17th century by the architect Jose de Villarreal to house the remains of San Isidro. Brick is the most widely used material, the corners are reinforced with stone columns, crowned with an entablature […]