Ngomongo Village


Ngomongo Villages is a well-known sustainable eco-cultural tourist village located in Mombasa, Kenya. Once a sun baked, arid, barren and rocky base of a former limestone mine, the floor of this quarry was barely five feet above the slightly salty water table. Dr. Frederick Gikandi, a local medical doctor started single handedly to reclaim this quarry by planting 4 acres (16,000 m2) of eighty different indigenous trees; later followed the easier to grow casuarina trees.
Natural ponds were dug by an improvised homegrown hole and shovel. The shovel was made from an empty fifty gallon steel water storage tank whose designated shoveling edge on the tank open top was reinforced with a sharpened pick – up main leaf spring, welded on to this edge.
Crocodiles were introduced into one of the ponds that represent Lake Turkana in the village theme. (Lake Turkana is in the northern part of Kenya.) The other pond represents in our village theme, lake Victoria that is on the Western side of Kenya. Tilapia has been introduced into this lake.
Large flocks of birds nest on and feed on these wet lands. These including king fishers, weaver birds, Egyptian geese etc.
Within the quarry, a 2-acre (8,100 m2) bird sanctuary has local chicken, ostriches, geese and cranes.
The daily feeding of birds at the bird sanctuary has attracted many wild birds like the Egyptian geese. These wild birds have established their breeding sites on the quarry rock out crops and most of them have made the quarry their home.
There are now over 50 species of birds in the entire quarry. The birds help in seed dispersal as they feed on wild fruits and drop their droppings on other parts of the forest.



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