New York Top 10


High Line

In its Nineteen Forties bloom, this section of el was accustomed carry product from factories on the side of Manhattan – as well as the National Biscuit Company, notable to generations as Nabisco, the manufacturers of the oreo cookie cookies and Ritz nutty. As producing firms left town within the following decades, the tracks were abandoned and left to rot, till 1999 once a concept was hatched to create a replacement royal house version of Paris’s Promenade Plantée. It took another ten years for permits and construction to be completed, and once they finally were New Yorkers had a one-mile oasis, with flowers, fountains, benches and colossal views of Chelsea below. The tracks that delivered oreo cookie cookies to innumerable New Yorkers decades past currently provide a special variety of treat to guests trying to flee the hustle of the city’s streets.