Municipal Palace Of Lima


The Municipal Palace of Lima is a public building that serves as headquarters of the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima. It is located on the street Portal de Escribanos, block 3 of Jirón de la Unión, and in front of the Plaza Mayor of Lima’s historic centre. The colonial town hall building was simple and the story of its construction has been bumpy.
The master Diego de Torres was asked to lift the first building of the Cabildo de Lima and in 1549 began the work quickly, with two black slaves acquired especially to strengthen his work, because I had finished before the arrival of Antonio de Mendoza, fourth viceroy of Peru, which was scheduled for September 23, 1551. The council houses built by master Diego de Torres were made with brick mold and high wood to Spain.
Soon after, in 1555, Cristóbal Garzón and Diego de Amaro took charge of the new building. In the following years continued some minor fixes such as woodwork and blanket. José de la Riva Agüero then stated that the building had collapsed for having built wrong. The council members were present, from the old town hall colonial balconies, processions, bullfights and auto-da-fé.
The council building was characterized, between 1596 – 1604 (period of government Viceroy Luis de Velasco y Castilla) for his open gallery on the second floor, on the portals of scribes. According news to Manuel de Odriozola the night of February 11, 1696 collapsed the Rímac River Bridge, causing a flood in the Plaza Mayor and the protocols they had them on the floor, not on shelves so scarce and expensive it was the wood rotted enforcement tools and foundations of chaplaincies and primogeniture, whose replacement was difficult and costly. But the greatest damage suffered by the colonial cabildo caused the 1746 Lima-Callao earthquake, which destroyed 90% of the civil colonial buildings.



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