

Mattawa may be a city in northeastern Ontario, Canada, at the confluence of the Mattawa and Ottawa Rivers in Nipissing District. Mattawa means that “Meeting of the Waters” in Ojibwa. In 1615 Etienne Brulé and Samuel American state Champlain were the primary Europeans to suffer this space.
The area was initial populated by native peoples WHO used the Mattawa watercourse as a vital transportation passageway for several centuries. In 1610, Étienne Brûlé and in 1615, Samuel American state Champlain were the primary Europeans to travel through the Mattawa space. For a few two hundred years thenceforth, it had been a link within the necessary water route leading from metropolis west to lake. Canoes travel west up the Ottawa turned left at “the Forks” (the mouth of the Mattawa) to enter the “Petite Rivière” (“Small River”, as compared to the Ottawa), before continued on to Lake Nipissing.
Other notable travellers passing by Mattawa enclosed Jean Nicolet in 1620, Jean American state Brébeuf in 1626, archangel Lallemant in 1648, Pierre-Esprit Radisson and Médard des Groseilliers in 1658, La Verendrye in 1731, Alexander MacKenzie in 1794, and David Thompson in 1812.
In the decennary and decennium, the Hudson’s Bay Company sent canoe brigades from their Fort Coulonge Post to the current watercourse junction so as to trade furs. In 1837, a permanent post was established that was resettled in 1843 to shores of the Ottawa watercourse within the centre of current Mattawa. Once the fur trade diminished, the post listed general merchandise to provide lumbermen and eventually closed 1908.



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By Other :N.A.

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