

India / Karnataka /Kodagu / Kushalnagar

Kushalnagara is one of Coorg’s major tourist attractions. Kushalnagar is the first big town one can find while entering Coorg via Mysore.The weather in Kushalnagar is slightly different from other places in Coorg as it’s located in the Northern part of Coorg bordering Mysore district. The weather is not as cold as it’s in Madikeri nor as hot as in Mysore, this unique atmosphere makes kushalnagar a distinct place in Coorg. Apart from the atmosphere the demography is also a mixture of different races & cultures. Bylakuppe in Kushalnagar is the place where the refugee Tibetans have a settlement locally called as Tibet Camp.

Quick Facts-Edit

Category : 0

Time Zone: UTC + 5:30 Hours

Pincode: 571234

STD Code: N.A.

Info Website: N.A.

Best Time to Visit:  October-March


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How to ReachEdit

By Air : There is no airport in Kushalnagara.

By Train : There is no railway station in Kushalnagara.

By BUS :N.A.

By Taxi : N.A.

By Other : N.A.

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Safety / WarningEdit

  • Beware of pickpockets as Delhi is a major tourist city in India.


  • Ambulance : 102
  • Fire Brigade : 101
  • Police : 100

