Israel Sightseeing


Incense Route – Desert Cities in the Negev , Ruins
Tel Aviv , Cities
Baha’i World Centre buildings , Key Buildings
Masada , Ruins
Tel Megiddo , Ruins
Tel Hazor , Ruins
Jerusalem , Cities
Caesarea , Towns and Villages
Kinneret , Towns and Villages
Galilee , States/Regions
Eilat , Cities
Haifa , Cities
Amirim , Towns and Villages
Nahariyya , Cities
Western Wall , Monuments
Herzliya , Cities
Beersheba , Cities
Great Synagogue of Jerusalem , Synagogues
Rosh Pina , Towns and Villages
Arsuf , Ruins
Hurva Synagogue , Synagogues
Netanya , Cities
Israel Museum , Museums
Great Synagogue of Tel Aviv , Synagogues
Yehi’am , Ruins
Tel Aviv Museum of Art , Museums
Hechal Yehuda Synagogue , Synagogues
Bat Yam , Cities
Tel Aviv Performing Arts Center , Opera Houses
Habima Theatre , Theaters
Tzuba , Towns and Villages
Mahmood Mosque , Mosques
Moshe Aviv Tower , Skyscrapers
Yehud , Cities
Jaffa , Cities
Khirbet Beit Lei , Historical
Tiberias , Cities
Hassan Bek Mosque , Mosques
Maresha , Historical
Ashkelon , Cities
Jezzar Pasha Mosque , Mosques
Sala Stadium , Stadiums
Ashdod , Cities
Zikhron Ya’aqov , Towns and Villages
Mount Herzl , Cemeteries
Western Stone , Ruins
Nazareth , Cities
Giv’atayim , Cities
Ramat HaSharon , Cities
Har HaMenuchot , Cemeteries
Caesarea Maritima , Ruins
Degania Bet , Towns and Villages
Holon , Cities
Church of the Holy Sepulchre , Religious
Kikar Hamedina , Plazas and Squares
Nahal Hemar , Ruins
Bnei Brak , Cities
Temple Mount , Religious
Rabin Square , Plazas and Squares
Yesod HaMa’ala , Towns and Villages
Battir , Towns and Villages
Dizengoff Square , Plazas and Squares
Ramat Gan , Cities
Davidka Square , Plazas and Squares
David’s Tomb , Tombs
Ramat Hovav Industrial Park , IT and Industrial Parks
Sha’ar Binyamin Industrial Zone , IT and Industrial Parks
Shrine of Bahá’u’lláh , Shrines
Shahak Industrial Park , IT and Industrial Parks
Shrine Of The Báb , Shrines
Fire And Water Fountain , Fountains
Cave Of The Patriarchs , Tombs
Sabil Abu Nabbut , Fountains
Nabi Rubin , Towns and Villages
Tel Be’er Sheva , Archaeological
Ovda , States/Regions
Rachel’s Tomb , Tombs
Behistun Inscription , Petroglyphs
Shrine Of `Abdu’l-Bahá , Shrines
White City , Neighborhoods
Newe Ilan , Towns and Villages
Hezekiah’s Tunnel , Tunnels
Nahal Me’arot Nature Reserve , Caves
Shoresh , Towns and Villages
Warren’s Shaft , Archaeological
Bareket observatory , Observatories
Wise Observatory , Observatories
Atarot Industrial Park , IT and Industrial Parks
Kiryat Ono , Cities
Har Hotzvim Industrial Park , IT and Industrial Parks
Modi’in-Maccabim-Re’ut , Cities
Jerusalem Technology Park , IT and Industrial Parks
Kfar Yehezkel , Towns and Villages
Tomb Of The Virgin Mary , Tombs
Matam Industrial Parks , IT and Industrial Parks