

Gračišće (Italian: Gallignana) is a village and the administrative centre of the same-named municipality in Istria, Croatia, elevation 457 meters. Total municipality population is 1,433 (census 2001) living in 7 settlements: Prehistory of Gračišće and its surroundings is poorly known. Gračišće with its surroundings has good strategic position and was almost surely settled and also played significant role in this area during Bronze Age and Iron Age.
There are just few findings located at Perunčevac, Perunovac, Osoje, Funčići, Bazgalji with ceramics finds and Salamunišće where the Bronze Age grave was found. In Iron Age Istria was settled with Illyrian tribes of Histri (west, south and central Istria) and Liburni (eastern part).
After few centuries of armed conflicts, the war between Roman Empire and Histri tribe (Istria is named after them) which lived in Istria ended with the fall of Nesactium in 177 BC. From then, Histria was subjected to Roman rule and was incorporated into the Tenth region (Regio X), replaced at the end of 3rd century with Venetia et Histria province. The territory of Gračišće remained confined between coastal colonies but not belonging to them.
After a while it become imperial property and in 3rd century it came under control of the revenue officials situated in Pola (today Pula). Strategic position of Gračišće grew More important during and after 3rd and 4th century when hills around Gračišće become good defending positions. After 476 AD West Roman Empire fell but after 30 years Justinian I, emperor of the East Roman Empire, restores the empire and Byzantine Empire ruled in Istria until 751 AD.



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