

Ghorepani (2860m) is spread out between an upper and lower village. Visitors can find a large number of guest houses, internet, phone, shops, book stores and even a bakery. It lies 17 kilometres from the district capital of Baglung at an elevation of approximately 2874m (9429ft). The village lies within the Annapurna Conservation Area (ACA) and contains a number of “guest houses” that provide lodging and meals to mountain trekkers, many of whom spend the night before a pre-dawn trek to the top of nearby Poon Hill (3210m/10531ft) to watch the sunrise.
Ghorepani lies on a major trail linking several other villages as well as the Annapurna Base Camp. It can normally be reached by foot from the village of Birethanti (an entrance into the ACD) in about 10 hours depending on the load being carried. However, many trekkers prefer to overnight at Ulleri on their way to Ghorepani, covering the distance over two days, owing to the steepness of the trail, increase in altitude and the beauty of the natural surroundings.
Accomodation options include the New Star Lodge, Ghorepani Guest House, Laligurans Lodge, the New Glacier Hotel, New Star Lodge, the Poon Hill Guest House, Shikhar Guest House. If you are looking for interent check out Dhaulagiri Interent in the center of town although this is not the only option.



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