

This town is well worth visiting, not only for its historic monuments, but also for its beautiful surrounding landscape.
Cazorla is about an hour’s journey by car from the city of Jaén; surrounded by fields of olive trees and with the mountains as a backdrop. Its old town has been declared Property of Cultural Interest. Its steep streets reveal charming grand houses, traditional local houses and monuments.
The town’s main monument is Yedra Castle, also know as the “Castle of the Four Corners”, which is also home to the Upper Guadalquivir Popular Arts and Traditions Museum. The Town Hall is located in the former Padres Mercedarios Convent dating from the 16th century, a markedly Renaissance style building. San Juan de la Penitenciaría Convent, today a youth hostel, is in the same style and from the same period. Any visit should definitely include Las Cadenas and La Vicaría palaces, Plaza de Santa María and the churches of San José, San Francisco and El Carmen.
Another attraction is its location in the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas Nature Reserve, a UNESCO biosphere reserve. There are routes for discovering the area, to be gone on by foot, on bicycle and in 4×4 vehicles. The town also produces excellent olive oil, with the Sierra de Cazorla designation of origin.



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