

This is one of the destinations which offers the greatest diversity of natural landscapes in Europe, as well as spectacular monuments, a varied and abundant gastronomy… all this guarantees that this region in the interior of Spain is bound to delight you. It has a whole host of places which are well worth visiting, including towns like Avila, Salamanca and Segovia (all three World Heritage Cities) and unique attractions such as Burgos Cathedral and the Atapuerca archaeological site, which contains traces of the first settlers in Europe. The famous Way of Saint James also runs through the Castile-León region, and is one of the world’s most important pilgrim routes.
If you feel like treating yourself to some truly spectacular scenery you can choose from any of the nearly 40 protected natural spaces such as the Picos de Europa National Park, where you’ll see some of Spain’s finest Atlantic forests. All these areas are perfect for climbing, cycle touring, kayaking… And for a relaxing walk, why not try Las Médulas, the largest open-air Golden mine excavated during the period of the Roman Empire?
And when it comes to good food, the Castile-León region specialises in traditional hearty fare, with such typical dishes as roast milk-fed lamb, black sausage, “botillo” (stuffed cured meat), roast suckling pig… and first-rate wines such as those from the Ribera De Duero region. Simply delicious!



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