

Situated right on the Cap de Creus peninsula, Cadaques is one of the most symbolic places on the Gironese Costa Brava. Its rocky coast, fringed by beautiful beaches and quiet coves, forms one of its main attractions, together with the incredible landscape offered by the Cap de Creus Natural Park. At the head of Cadaques bay is its historic quarter, with a Mediterranean air and deep seaside flavour.
The source of inspiration for internationally famous painters and artists for decades, today this centre enjoys an intense cultural life, as witnessed by its many museums and art galleries, among which the Salvador DalĂ­ House-Museum is outstanding. Cadaques is the ideal starting point for getting to know the rest of the county of Alt Emporda, full of historic places, surprising natural areas and abundant archaeological remains.
The Costa Brava forms the most northerly stretch of the coast of Catalonia and one of the most beautiful in Spain. Right in the heart of Cap de Creus is Cadaques, an area set in the unusual natural landscape of the steep hills that cut across the county of Alt Emporda before falling into the sea in the form of cliffs.
This lovely village with seagoing routes has excellent beaches and tranquil coves with clear water which, together with an unbeatable tourist infrastructure, attracts anyone looking for a place to enjoy sun and sea. Its natural harbour and the natural quality of its sea offer the best conditions for practising all kinds of sports and aquatic activities, like diving, sailing or windsurfing.



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