Bandar Lampung


Bandar Lampung (translated Lampung harbor) is the capital and economic hub of Lampung province, Indonesia. It was called Tanjungkarang-Telukbetung, the names of the two major sections of the city, before being renamed in 1983. For immigrants and travelers from Java, the city is the entry point to Sumatra, especially before the construction of the major harbor at Bakauheni, just south of Bandar Lampung.
Bandar Lampung is served by the domestic Radin Inten II Airport, with flights to Jakarta located northwester of the city. The city and South Lampung Regency are major transmigrasi recipients for those seeking respite from the crushing population densities and traffic nightmare of Jakarta, yet able to take advantage of proximity. As such, its population composition is far more cosmopolitan for a provincial capital of its size. The city’s area is about 169.21 kmĀ², with a population of approximately 881,801 people.
In 2009, Bandar Lampung has a literacy rate of 94.3%, slightly increased from 2005 which was 93.5%. However, the high school participation rate kept decreasing from 69.2% (2007) down to 61.4% (2009). On the other hand, high school participation rate in Indonesia was raising from 54.6% (2007) to 55.8% (2010).
There are some notable high schools and universities in Bandar Lampung such as SMP Negeri 2 Bandar Lampung (public), SMA Negeri 9 Bandar Lampung (public), SMA Negeri 2 Bandar Lampung (public), SMA Fransiskus Bandar Lampung (private), Lampung University (public, locally known as Unila), Bandar Lampung University (private, locally known as UBL),Muhammadiyah University of Lampung (known as UML=Universitas muhammadiyah Lampung and Malahayati University (private). In March 2011, Unila already had 70,866 alumni.



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