

Hornafjörður is a blooming community close to the biggest glacier in Europe, Vatnajökull in the south eastern part of Iceland. The district’s most densely populated area is Höfn. In this region you are located at the base of Vatnajökull, and the scenery is breathtaking. Skaftafell National Park, the largest national park in Europe, is situated in the community. In the last few decades tourism has grown enormously and has, in fact, become a major economic sector in the community. Diverse services are provided, including hotels, camping sites, restaurants, shops, swimming pools, golf courses, marked hiking trails and various museums, such as a folk museum, a maritime museum, a glacier exchibition and the centre of the great writer Þórbergur Þórðarson.
Höfn’s growth in the 20th century from a small village to today’s town was a result of the development of a relatively diverse fishing industry. The landed catch is now more varied than in other fishing towns, including high-value species such as the Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus), but a good part of the Icelandic lobster catch is landed at Höfn. In recent years the town has promoted lobster as a central part of its image, for instance with a “lobster festival” that is held each summer. Höfn actually means harbour, though repeated dredging has proved necessary to keep the entrance of the harbour safe from sand deposits.



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