
India /West Bengal /Jalpaiguri /Rishyap Rishyap/Risop, nestles amidst the hidden hills of Neora Valley. The 300 degree visible mountain ranges you can find from Rishyap/Risop are (left to right) Mt.Kharg, Kokthang, Rathung, Kabroo (North, South, Dome and Fourth), Talung, Pandim, Khang-Chen-D-Zongha, Simvo, Narsingh, Siniolchu. An excellent view of Kanchenjungha from ‘Tiffin Dara’ in Rishop attracts […]


India /West Bengal /Darjeeling /Lava Lava is a small village that is situated in the district of the state of . The place is well renowned for its beauty and it attracts nature enthusiasts and adventure buffs. The town is situated at an altitude and this makes it a perfect place for many outdoor activities […]