
India /Karnataka /Bagalkot /Vatapi N.A Quick Facts-Edit Category : N.A Time Zone: UTC + 5:30 Hours Pincode: N.A STD Code: N.A Info Website: N.A Best Time to Visit:  N.A HistoryEdit N.A Places to VisitAdd How to ReachEdit By Air : N.A By Train : N.A By Bus : N.A By Taxi : N.A By Other […]


India /Karnataka /Bagalkot /Badami Badami once a royal capital of the Chalukyas is now a sleepy town in Bagalkot district of Karnataka. The town was known as Vatapi previously. It is settled in a valley at the base of a furrowed, red arenaceous rock that rings Agastya lake. Badami is a place which is full […]