Deer Lake First Nation


Deer Lake First Nation is an Oji-Cree First Nation in Northern Ontario, located north of Red Lake, Ontario. It is one of the few First Nations in Ontario to have signed Treaty 5. It is part of the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Council (Northern Chiefs) and the Nishnawbe Aski Nation.
The people of Deer Lake are closely related to the people of Sandy Lake First Nation and North Spirit Lake First Nation. The three reserves speak a unique dialect of the Anishinaabe language that combines elements of Beren’s River Ojibway (as spoken in nearby Pikangikum and Poplar Hill) and Severn Ojibway (Oji-Cree)as spoken at Island Lake in Manitoba.
In the local language, the people of Deer Lake call themselves Anishinawbe. In English “Oji-Cree” is becoming the most popular self-designation, while “Cree” remains popular as well. “Ojibway” is rarely used except to refer to the Native people to the south.
The 1653.6 ha Deer Lake Reserve is within the boundaries of the territory described by Treaty 5. The community of Deer Lake, Ontario is located on this reserve. It is connected to Pikangikum, Sandy Lake First Nation, and North Spirit Lake First Nation by winter/ice roads. Regularly scheduled flights to and from the community are provided by Wasaya Airways.



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