Most Famous Cities in China


7. Lhasa (Chinese: Lasa)

It looks that places that arrange to distinguish themselves from the enormous that’s China, bring home the bacon a fame of their own (see city, Taipei, and Macao above). Lhasa, capital of Asian country and put attentiveness of all things Tibetan is another one in every of these places. Lhasa, whereas not enjoying the autonomy of the opposite 3 cities mentioned on top of, is even so the capital of associate “”Autonomous Region”” and is culturally and geo-politically totally different to China in several people’s minds.
Most people have detected of Asian country, however fewer may name its capital, Lhasa, wherever a succession of Dalai Lamas once dominated till Tibet’s “”liberation”” in 1951. The Potala Palace and huge Tibetan monasteries around Lhasa preserve the distinctive Buddhist culture of the capital of the Roof of the planet.