

The earliest archeological finds of the town derive from the last period of the neolithic age. Its most famous site is the earthwork from the Bronze Age (on the confines with Kislók). The age of the Romans is recalled by statue units cemeteries. Tombs from the age of the Hungarin conquest have been uncovered to the east of town. The Borárd placename was formed from a personal name by Hungarian naming. The baseform of the personal name which serves as its root is the noun bogár (beetle). The anterior constituent Sár- refers to the region of Sárvíz. It appears in written sources from the 14th century. In the period of the Turkish time, in the first half of the 17th century, Serbs settled down in the village, then from the 18th century it was peopled by noble joint tenants. For Example, by the Mányoki, Dörögdy, Huszár, Mészély, Pázmándi, Sigray families. Géza Mészöly, painter was born in Sárbogárd. It was a district seat from the second half of the 19th century. An imprtant railway junction. From the first quarter of the 20th century it was an educational district centre, it even had a teacher’s training college. From the middle of the 19th century to 1872 it was market town. It has been town since 1986. Autonomous settlements have been connected to its territory (Sárszentmiklós, Pusztaegres). Its population is over 13000.



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