

Szécsény in situated in the northern part of Hungary, in the valley of Ipoly. Most of the sights of Szécsény can be found in the historic city centre, in the place of the sometime castle and around it: a fortress on the sometime terrace of the Ipoly River, which was mentioned in a document in 1461. Parts of the wall, the northwestern tower (lookout tower), and the eastern tower, or Rondella remained of the gothic castle, which was fortified with towers, moats, and pales. There can be found an exhibition of the castle’s history in the eastern tower, or Rondella. In the northwestern part of the castle district stands the Franciscan church and cloister, which was started to build by the pope’s permission in 1332.
The most voluable part is the vaulted vestry, which is a prominent work of our gothic architecture. The baroque nave was built in 1696; the abbey with the vaulted cloister was built between 1694 and 1734. One of the most spectacular buildings of Szécsény, the Forgách castle can be found in the near. It is a valuable memory of the Hungarian provincial baroque architecture; the Ferenc Kubinyi Museum has been working here since 1973. The Fire Tower was erected on the main square. The fire-service worked once in the building. The third floor was built in 1929. Because of the sub grade’s shift, the building moved northward. In 2004, an exhibition of the Fire tower’s history and of the fire-service was opened in the building.



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