Arctic Circle – Greenland


Destination Arctic Circle is the land of adventure and the combination of raw nature and cultural traditions brings you right to the heart of modern Greenland.

 Kangerlussuaq’s unique road to the ice sheet is the gateway to the World’s second largest glacier and the town is our base camp for dog sledding, fishing and the world’s toughest ski race, the Arctic Circle Race.

 And if you are interested in world class heliskiing, mini cruises in the incredibly beautiful Fjord of Eternity, whale watching in the archipelagos, or wilderness fishing, then the areas around Maniitsoq and Kangaamiut are unavoidable. Destination Arctic Circle is about the size of Greece and the 10,000 inhabitants are distributed in Sisimiut, Maniitsoq and Kangerlussuaq and five smaller settlements.
The climate of Destination Arctic Circle is arctic and along the coast summers are cool and the winters are moderately cold, while at the end of the fjords it is stable and mainland dominated, with warm summers and cold winters.

Warm ocean currents south of Greenland keep the sea open all winter and the fjords, which freeze over in winter, don’t break up until late spring.
The Northern Lights, midnight sun, ice sheet, frozen fjords and foehn winds.
In Kangerlussuaq’s mountain areas there live more than 10,000 musk oxen and over the entire region there are reindeer, mountain hares, grouse and arctic foxes. Eider ducks, sea eagles, peregrines and many types of sea birds are common along the coasts. Seals are found along the coast and humpback whales are frequent visitors in the summer months, while many species of whale come close to shore at Kangaamiut and Maniitsoq.



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