

The road from Eskifjörður over to Norðfjörður -or Neskaupstaður as the town is usually called- has great views before leading through an old single lane tunnel and winding its way downwards. Until 50 years ago the town was only accessible be sea, a fact which had a stimulating effect on the lively local culture. Norðfjörður is known for a florid music scene, of which the main impresario is the local blues, rock and jazz club Brján. During the summer the music town boasts of “a concert a day”- ask the locals for the program of the day. Norðfjörður is the most densely populated of the Fjarðabyggð communities and offers a horn of plenty. Hiking trails in Norðfjörður nature reserve are renowned for imposing natural beauty, diverse birdlife and fauna. The cozy café Nesbær offers delicious refreshments and interesting exhibitions by local artists. A good horse rental, Skorrahestar, offers long and short tours and Neskaupstaður is the hub of the most active kayak club in Iceland. Hotels, three interesting museums in one house, outdoor swimming pool, beautiful natural sights like the cave Páskahellir down by the shore. The Rauðubjörg cliffs, a stunning reddish rhyolite cliff face offer a spectacular view. Catching the scheduled boat to nearby Mjóifjörður ensures great views along the way. The Safnahúsið – the site of a Natural History Museum, painterTryggvi Ólafsson art collection and a maritime museum is certainly worth a visit, as is a look-in on Gallery Thea with its famous clay horses.



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