

Texcaltitlan is a town and a municipality of the State of Mexico in Mexico. It is located 65 km from Toluca on the high plains south of the Nevado de Toluca volcano. The name Texcaltitlan comes from the Nahuatl: texcalli = “rock”; titla= “among”, with the complete meaning as “among rocks”. The area now known as Texcaltitlan was settled at least as early as 800 AD, possibly as early as 300AD.
It was dominated by the Teotihuacan civilization, then by the Toltecs and lastly, between 1250 to 1520 it was dominated by the Aztecs. During the late Aztec Empire, Texcaltitlan was an important town and was the head of the towns of Temascaltepec, Tejupilco, and Tuzantla, as well as a number of communities that no longer exist such as Ciutepeque, Ocelotequepue, Yexvaca, Cuahtepeque, Oztotitipac, Tlapatlapan and Melamamaloya. After the Spanish Conquest, the area came under the governorship of Don Antonio de Caicedo.
As of 2005, the town had a population of 2,361 people and is situation at an altitude of 2,400 meters above sea level. The church in the town of Texcaltitlan is surrounded by black battlements dating from the eighteenth century and wooden baroque-style altarpieces that are in the chapels of the communities of Santa Maria and San Francisco. Tuesday is market day in Texcaltitlan and is one of the oldest traditions of the municipality, which has been preserved from the time of the first settlers. Now is one of the biggest in the State of Mexico.



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